Tag Archives: Apologies

Belated Posts – A Round-Up

Apologies one and all. I’m deeply sorry to have neglected this blog. I’ve been busy with work, living in Japan and writing on other sites. More to the point, I’ve been eating out a lot and have made very few “blog worthy” dishes that can be replicated at home – Japanese supermarkets have an abundance of things you just can’t get back home.

2012-12-29 11.58.51

This tsukemen, whilst tasty, required 2 train rides, 3 obaasan and a flamethrower before it reached my belly.

I’ve also been totally transfixed by my latest cookbook. A Christmas present from my wonderful girlfriend, A Hip Hop Cookbook: Four Elements Cooking with Cutmaster GB is as far removed from How to Cook or Larousse Gastronomie as it is physically possible to be. Featuring recipes from Zulu Gremlin, Loomit, Zeb.Roc.Ski and countless other Dutch and German b-boys and turntablists who you’ve never heard of but who all claim to know Afrika Bambaataa, it is a glorious train-wreck of a book.

None the wiser as to how B-boying and graffiti will help in the kitchen.

None the wiser as to how B-boying and graffiti will help in the kitchen.

So, here’s a roundup of what I’ve been doing:

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LSMedia Roundup: Cats, Christmas and Carboniferous-Copy

I’ve been writing a lot of stuff for LSMedia (and shockingly little for HML) so, instead of a load of individual posts, here’s a roundup of what I’ve been up to.

The next instalment of my Baka-gaijin column compares cat cafes to brothels and explores the underlying hollow yearning for an emotional connection that both of these establishments rely on. There’s a serious message here, somewhat undermined by my constant squeeing over cute kittehs. You can catch up with the entire series here.



As Christmas is coming, I’ve been busy watching festive films. Whilst most people would enjoy the warmth and joy said films bring, I spent the time dissecting their moral compasses looking for any deviation from true and/or magnetic north. For example- have you ever realised how Miracle on 34th Street establishes legal precedent that if you open a letter delivered to your door that is not addressed to you legally assume another’s identity? That’s not as bad as Christmas with the Kranks: if Tim Allen doesn’t celebrate christmas, your loved ones’ cancer will return? WHAT THE FUCK, TIM? CAN’T YOU JUST TAKE ONE FOR THE GODDAMN TEAM?

You can read my musing on Christmas films that secretly harbour terrible messages here.

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And for those of you in Liverpool, I’ve written a few festive articles in The Sphinx – LSMedia’s sister dead-tree edition- on male grooming and christmas in Japan. Keep your eyes peeled around the Guild for a copy!

it's chriiiiiiiistmassss!

*Sneak Peak!* Harsh the herald razors sting…

That’s about it. Brace yourself for an onslaught of back-logged HMT posts in the next few months- it took a while but I’ve finally cracked a few recipes that I will share with y’all. Make sure to subscribe for updates, lest you miss them. Until then, keep safe.

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Hiatus Maintenance Life

As soon as we got off the ground, we crash back down again. I’m off to Japan for a week and am unsure how sporadically I’ll be able to access the internet. Don’t worry, I promise there’ll be much more when I get back, and I’ll try and squeeze a post in during my trip. To stay up to date with the blog, why not follow by email, twitter (@RaynoGernback) or your favourite blog aggregator?

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Apologies/ Tank Fly Boss

Albert Docks

I apologise for the lack of posts- I’ve been packing. I’ve relocated over 200 miles to the New York of Europe, the city of culture where every brick is cemented with an African’s blood. Yes, Liverpool is now my home.Five rolls of film await a trip to the lab, a new post on Japanese cuisine and exciting news beckon on the horizon. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go check my bike hasn’t had it’s wheels nicked…

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